Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Crazy nights

I'm wondering what the moon's up to these days, cause everyone I know, or so it seems, is having crazy nights. Computers crashing, phones ringing, strange emotions, and strange dreams are all just the tip of the iceberg. Just last night, one friend's computer crashed. Another got a call from an ex she hadn't heard from in years. A third felt this unexplainable need to call his ex's mom (but called me instead, thank goodness!). Anyone else having some weird evenings of late?

And then there are the dreams. I had a strange one last night that I was buying a house, and my realtor took me to one that turned out to be the one my ex just sold, but I didn't find that out until after I had bought it. So then he came to town with another man I've never met, just to pick up the towels that were still in the bathroom, and drove all over the town we used to live in, overtly taunting me, yet refusing to speak to me.

We finally went to a restaurant for lunch, but he wouldn't get out of his truck. When he did, he kept changing. One moment I'd look at him and he'd be himself, the next time I'd look at him and he was someone I know now. Back and forth until I woke up. Odd, but not nearly as unsettling as one another friend had last night.

Hopefully, the Moon is having fun toying with us humans and will tire of the game soon.

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