Monday, December 18, 2006

Happy Holiday Shopping

A random couple of musings tonight, cause I don't have the brain power to cobble together anything coherent!

1) What on earth is wrong with me this year? I know I've been sick, but still! I usually enjoy the hunt that is Christmas shopping. The thought that goes into finding just the right gift....the surgical strike of going to the store, getting it, and getting out while the other crazies browse and ponder and call home to question every little decision.... This year, not so much. I find myself wandering aisles of tried and true retail friends, looking for the perfect gift to bonk me on the head. When really, my head just isn't in the game.

2) Went out dancing the other night. Very little is quite as disturbing as hearing a 60+ year old man dancing with you mis-sing the lyrics of "I'll take you there" by the Staple Singers as "I'll take you to bed"...

3) And little is as comforting as knowing you belong with someone. Even in as small a way as a dance. I took the floor with a very good dancer I know, and three steps into the dance, he dips me all the way to the floor. A move that soon, before partners are in sync...that's silly, and can even be dangerous, depending on who your partner is. But this man is strong and good. When I was on my feet again I laughed and said, "Wow, wasn't that a little soon?" He simply said, "Not with you. You always follow me....and I always catch you. Regardless. You get me. So no, not too soon." It's nice to belong somewhere, even for a split second.


Tony Gasbarro said...

I'd've dropped you like a hot potato! Not by choice, mind you; I can't dance.

I can't cook either.

Flash said...

I perfere the ninja like strikes of Internet shopping. No screaming kids, no overheating, no walking in a winter hell-land of parking.spank00

Ultra Toast Mosha God said...

What a cryptic fellow that dancer is.

Apparently, men get more and more perverse as they get older.

That gives me the fear, as I already have a sewer mind in my late 20's.