Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Reason #3,743 Life is Easier as a Man


Yep - haircuts.

Three men I know decided in the last 24 hours it was time to get their hair cut. And within a day, each is sporting a freshly snipped coif that both looks good and didn't take much time out of their busy day.

Not so if you're a woman. Women spend forever looking for a stylist they trust with their tresses, then once they find that person, you make your next appointment as you're leaving that day, so to ensure you can get back in to see this person. Decide in between you want to change something about your appearance, and you're at the mercy of someone else's cancellation, or you wait a good two weeks to get squeezed in, and by that point, you're likely coming up on the date you chose anyway.

Damn, it's hard being us.

That said, I wouldn't trade it for the world.

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