Monday, April 10, 2006

I'm Baa-aack!

Nothing like a vacation to clear the mind and offer a new perspective. After four days in Mexico, I've come to realize a few things about myself....among them that I can hold my liquor better than I thought (as long as it doesn't involve tequila straight) and my overt appreciation for multitasking. I've always considered myself a thoughtful, aware and accepting American...but this trip really underlined the word "American"for me. Not in a good way or a bad way, but in a way that again forces me to look at myself and realize things that will make me a better citizen of this society (I think, I hope).

It also made me realize that the southern Mexican sun is no match for some Coppertone SPF 50 on my pale white skin. Religious application every hour and a half, more often when swimming, which is twice as often as I would here, still didn't keep the burn away.

For now, I'll go smear some more aloe on my aching skin and go to bed, but I just wanted to say "hi."



Yoda said...

Wow! Mexico? That sounds like a lot of fun. Did you go along with friends or just by yourself?

Why was "American" underlined for you?

As Joey (from Friends) would say it:


[I really hope you got the joke!]

Ultra Toast Mosha God said...

I'm curious too.

No doubt you will elaborate in your next post...

mr. schprock said...

Oh man, that reminds me — I've got to get away!

Flash said...

Welcome back! Your presence was missed.

Oh, and put the Aloe in the fridge. It makes it so much better when applied...

Glad your back, and glad to be back.

Tony Gasbarro said...

Sorry, I got a little dreamy when you wrote, "...smearing SPF 50" on your "pale, white skin...." I think it's testosterone poisoning....

GOOD NEWS! I'm going to Costa Rica end of April! bad news... I'm working the whole time.

ProducerClaire said...

Thanks,'s kinda nice to be missed :)

And Farrago, there's ALWAYS time to get away! Sometimes it means sacrificing a little sleep so you can go to the all night club with the kick ass view, but where there's a will, there's a way!

Scott said...

My wife is annoyed by this, but I hate the beach. I hate slopping that goopy goop on, and the sun is just annoying. I prefer a book in the cool shade.