Wednesday, December 28, 2005

What's hot, what's not...

While we're talking about the future, I ran across this list of what's going to be hot in technology, entertainment, and the like in 2006.

Thank GOODNESS I found it...three more days and I would have been absolutely LOST! After all, I can't think on my own - No one is allowed to create culture - we're just supposed to follow along like lemmings, right?

Anyway, here's the basics. Why? Because the media says so...

Music: RhymeFest, Reggaeton, Christina Milian. Teddy Geiger, Outkast, Killers. And forget the record labels - new sounds on iTunes, myspace, and other online services

Fashion: Look for a return to preppy, collegiate styles, with upturned collars, argyle sweaters and tiny embroidered logos from the 1980s. Accessories-wise, 2006 will be the year of the tote bag.

Electronics: The iPod is still iN. So are XBox 360, Sony's Playstation3, satellite radio, and handheld communication devices.

Movies: DaVinci Code (what else!), Superman Returns, Casino Royale (the next installment in the 007 series), Miami Vice, and plenty of sequels.

TV: The Sopranos final season, The Chappelle Show, Lost, Desperate Housewives, and My Name is Earl.

1 comment:

Yoda said...

Oh now we are returning to preppy collegiate styles? Great ... now that I bought the OTHER stuff on discount!

I can't seem to make out what the big hoo-hah is about gaming. I was only briefly interested in gaming (ages 11-17).

I am very eagerly waiting for DaVinci code's release. I loved the book and can't wait to see it all on film!

I like only two shows on TV: House and Family Guy. While the others listed are okay-ish, I cannot bring myself to watch DH.