Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Etiquette Questions

I really should be asleep right now, since I have to get up in a few hours, but I can't make my mind relax. It may be the headache that's been working on me all day, but something tells me it's more than that. It's the pain of being completely ignored.

I'm not an overly obtrusive person. I don't push myself into other people's business or lives. However, when those who mean so much to me suddenly turn a cold shoulder without so much as an "I need a few days to sort through some things," that's when I feel hollow.

Let me explain. As the faithful few of you know, the last month has been extremely hard on me. I haven't had much to offer the world except pain and heartache, so I've kept mainly to myself and my family. I've been there for my mom as we've lost her father, and for my dad as we lost his uncle in body and his mother in spirit. I've shed more tears and turned more earth in the last month than I care to in the next year. Through it all, I've asked for very little support, but when I have, my requests have been denied. My best girlfriends can't be expected to drop their lives and take sick days to help me shoulder a weight I'm not sure how to carry, and I didn't even feel I could ask my boyfriend to make the trip.

These are the experiences that teach you who cares, and how to care about yourself. After weeks of life's chinese water torture dripping away at my forehead, I took a night this weekend after work just for me. To sit in solemn silence and shed anonymous tears for lives changed in a split second. For the unborn children who will never have the privilege of knowing their great-grandfather or great-great-uncle as more than a photograph or a story. And for myself - for the opportunities past...the kick in the stomach that stole my breath as my former fiance uttered the words "I'm engaged"...the worries that perhaps my own father will never see me walk down the aisle, not for reasons of martyrdom or self-esteem, but for reasons of sheer mortality.

This is the state I've been in for the last few weeks - these thoughts, half-formed, running around in my brain, emerging at inopportune moments at times crippling me with their presence, then retreating to find more sustenance in the recesses of my consciousness. Add in a massive overhaul of procedure at work that has required more hours, and a second job to cover unexpected expenses on top of the Christmas budget, and I've been turned quite inward this month. It's something I have admitted and apologized for each step of the way.

Which brings me to the topic above. It appears my life has become too much. Without warning, communication from one I hold close, has ended. Kaput. Text messages get no response. Phone calls are ignored. And tonight, I was stood up for our dinner plans without so much as a "I'm not coming" note in any form.

My question to you, faithful readers, what is blog etiquette in this situation? He has a few blogs - nothing as personal as this...each one focuses on certain topics - that I would love to check just to see if he's at least posting there. Part of me feels that would be an intrusion...that if he chooses not to communicate with me, that he would not appreciate me reading his words. The other side of me, though, says that he wouldn't put it out there if he did not mean for others to read it. I'm not worried about the content, I'm just being a girl and seeking solace in the words and cadences I know so well. And yes, he does have this addres, but I don't think he reads it anymore. I've kept quiet this month so as to keep him from feeling uncomfortable, or learning about my life from a blog versus from me, but now, I need to vent to someone, especially since this turn of events has left me hollow, stunned, saddened, and confused.

Perhaps it's the lack of sleep for nights on end, or perhaps I'm just numb, but I feel like a girl made of Magic Shell. Once upon a time there was ice cream - sweet and desirable - that some one found intriguing, but would find even more so with a layer of Magic Shell. The shell hardened, but instead of digging in, he walked out of the room. Now the ice cream has melted, leaving behind only the shell, and pieces of that have been shattered and thrown to the wind as well.

Okay, I should try to go to bed again now. Maybe this time it'll work. If not, I'll get up and write again. Remind me to tell you about my mirror image friend sometime that's another post that's rattling around in my head when I can't sleep like this.


Tony Gasbarro said...

1) blogs are public. Read his.

2) communicate with him. Tell him in writing or leave a message that conveys to him your bewilderment regarding his sudden silence. Accept his decision, if it is such, to no longer speak to you. Let him know you are hurt.

3) leave him be. If he comes back, then work it through. If he doesn't, then you didn't need him to begin with. If he can't give you what you need now, then he probably won't be able to do it later.

He's not your only friend, the only one who can listen with understanding and offer advice. You have others you can turn to, some you have never seen or met before, others who lie closer.

Don't despair when desperation is not yet called for.

And the ice cream is still inside the Magic Shell. Maybe it's just not the flavor he expected to find there. Or maybe it was TOO good. It's too early to melt away.

mr. schprock said...

I guess I agree with Farrago: if you want to read his blog, then you have a perfect right to. I just wonder if you really want to? Or maybe I wonder if I were in your position would I want to…

Heartache is tough, tough, tough. In the case of love, it's like a judgment on you. But often judgments are unfair, and self-worth gets undermined for no good reason. The best advice a friend of mine gave me during a time of trial was to "tough it out." It gets better. It always does.

I'm not terribly religious, but prayer has helped me. If only I gave God the same kind of attention during good times as I do in bad!

ProducerClaire said...

Hey guys,

Hope you don't mind if I answer en masse. Are two of you REALLY a "masse"? Who knows...I digress.

1) The Blogs: You're right. Perhaps I will read them tomorrow. I don't expect to find anything there about me, so I'm not doing it to "snoop" or "pry". And I really don't know why I want to except that (damn this sounds so pathetic in my head, but I will say it anyway cause it's there) when I read his words, I hear his voice, and I want to hear that voice again, even if it is just inside my head.

Part of me, too, wants to try and keep in touch some how so that when we do communicate again, it's not so awkward. If that makes any sense what so ever.

2) I have. Last night part of my not sleeping was an email saying that I could understand, given the way we parted the last time we saw each other, that he could be frustrated with me, but that I didn't see why we wouldn't be communicating. That at the very least, talking and contact would EASE the problems, not excerbate them, and that I was quite hurt, lost, and hollow at the moment. Again, he has yet to respond.

3) Which brings me to leaving him be. One of his complaints about me is that I am not pushy enough, not aggressive enough. I am a simple person (although I know he would dispute that) who believes that friendships don't have to be laden with drama, and need to be give and take, and that without friendship, nothing more can ever grow between two people, be it love, a lifelong bond, or even a fling.

All that to say I've tried to let him go before and he fought to stay. Is he expecting the same of me? I don't know.

And let me take this moment to say thanks to you all for listening to me...It's amazing sometimes to have these anonymous friends with whom I have no drama, no artifice, just simple communication. The way God intended it :)

(Yeah, I'm not as religious as I should be, but I'm with you, schprock. Prayer does help, and I really make an effort to at least stay in touch in good times too, otherwise that Catholic guilt kicks in big time when I ask for something I don't feel I deserve. Which could also explain some of these problems......)

Yoda said...

I guess Farrago said all I had to say! Plus, I would add a good kick (preferably to the groin area) for standing you up for dinner.

Chloe said...

Claire, I won't advise any of the trite things you already know, like 'time heals all wounds' and 'out of sight, out of mind.' You already know that. But knowing and feeling are complete strangers when it comes to heartbreak and confusion. The pain is real, tangible, and all-encompassing right now.

I went through a similar situation once, in that communication was severed without so much as a hint at a reason. It was gut-wrenching torture and I felt at times that I'd never be able to shed another tear after the countless I already had. I continued to read his blog to feel connected to him, but all that ended up happening is that I felt worse. I had to stop after awhile, for my sanity.

There are pros to checking, and pros to passing. Best of luck through this unfair and difficult situation. *hugs*