Monday, January 16, 2006

Three things you need to know....

Okay, so you don't NEED to know them. Quite honestly, the meme Yoda tagged me with explicitly states three things you DON'T know, so therefore they are probably things you would never NEED to know. But now I'm just practicing procrastination, so here goes nothing:

1) I can't eat after I brush my teeth. I love the taste of mint, and I hate fouling that taste with food, so if I brush my teeth, I won't eat till the flavor is gone.

2) Flash, you sent me down this road. My pet peeve when it comes to men...short fingers. Not because I believe it says anything about other corresponding parts of their bodies so much as I just don't find short fingers to be attractive. I also dislike poorly manicured hands. I don't demand a daily buffing, but don't chew your cuticles, and go find some lotion from time to time.

3) I've read Les Liasons the original French.

And, yeah - there's no one left to tag, but I figured I'd hold up my end of the bargain anyway...


Yoda said...

LOL! I totally dig it that you can't eat after brushing! I don't eat anything for some time after I floss (mint flavor, obviously)

I don't find short stubby fingers attractive too. I hate chewed out fingernails.

mr. schprock said...

"I've read Les Liasons the original French."

The original French? Wasn't it first written in Klingon?

I agree with you on numbers 1 nad 2, and am impressed with number 3!

Flash said...

I can't eat after I brush also...I feel it to be a waste. Here I am, scrubbing my choppers of food, then to just turn around and deposit food back in? After brushing, I'll chew some sugar-free gum. That keeps me from chowing on anything.

I feel the same way on making the bed. Why make it if I'm just going to mess it up again? Oh, that gives me an idea...

Tony Gasbarro said...

no one memed me...


feeling left out,


(and I won't do this one if you tag me, because it doesn't count if I had to tell you.) :-P

ProducerClaire said...

That's cause I don't tag folk. By the time I get to things, most people have seen 'em or take it from my website anyway.