Friday, January 28, 2005

Long time no blog

Yeah, if you look at the dates, it's been a few days since I blogged anything.

That's not entirely the truth. I've deleted a few posts here. Just way too personal for me to put out there, even though no one knows who I am or where this is. I want to write about rhetorical questions and pose issues to myself. These were letters to someone, feelings and sentiments I would rather say face to face if I can ever, to paraphrase Shakespeare, "screw my courage to the sticking place."

So they're gone from here. Don't worry - I'm not abandoning the blog. Not that anyone reads this anyway...I think I could count you all on one hand and have fingers left over. However, even though I know this is an effective means of communication, I can't hide behind my words.

Someday, I'll fill ya in. Till then, it's bed time.

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