Thursday, January 20, 2005

Table for Four

NPR : 'Angels and Demons' Draws Tourists to Rome

As a fan of Dan Brown's books, I heard this on Morning Edition and had to blog it. The book may not be plausible, but the mind that dreamed up some of these plot twists (No, I won't ruin the book for you) is a mind I'd love to have coffee with just once.

Or perhaps that fantasy dinner my friend is always talking about. She's always posing rhetorical questions or questions designed to put you on the spot. Two of her favorites come in a pair:

1: Name three people, living or dead, with whom you would like to have dinner.

2: Name three people, living or dead, with whom you'd want to have a one night stand.

I never have an answer for number 2, but for number one, I can come up with some pretty intersting threesomes. I'd definately put Dan Brown at a table with Bono and Jesus. But it would have to be a five course meal because getting their takes on the Catholic Church would go on for hours!

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